Jul 3


I want every woman to know that it’s incredibly easy to get into shape when you have the right formula and get the formula right.

Welcome to my QuickTone8 HIIT workout. I deveIoped this programme because I’ve personally had superb results with it! It’s also do-able, quick and effective no matter what your age. 

I prefer to do my sprints on a rebounder as it totally alleviates stress on your joints and muscles and is easy to perform since it’s straight forward running on the trampoline. There’s no burpees, jumping jacks or complicated exercises where you lose your form and technique. Rebounding has enormous benefits including lymphatic drainage. However, if you choose not to do your sprints on a rebounder, then use a bike, an elliptical or sprint on the spot (preferably on a sprung floor).

How to perform QuickTone8

- Warm up for three to five minutes.
- Sprint for 30 seconds as hard as you can.
- Rest for 60 seconds (90 seconds if you’re unfit or new to HIIT training).
- Repeat another seven times.
- Cool down

How to take your pulse rate during QuickTone8

Since this workout is completely heart rate based it’s all about intensity. A heart rate monitor is great if you have one. If not, here’s how to take your pulse. Just practice and with time it will become easier. Make sure you take your pulse after every sprint.

- Stop momentarily
- Place your index and 3rd finger on your neck (carotid artery) to the side of your windpipe. Do not press too hard.
- Once you’ve found your pulse count the number of beats you have over a 6 second count, then add a zero on the end, ie; if you get 12 counts it will be 120 BPM.

What your heart rate should be during QuickTone8

To determine your maximum heart rate (MHR) minus your age from 220.

So if you are 40;

220 – 40 = 180 (180 is your maximum heart rate).

You want to train at 85 – 100% of your MHR

So for a 40 year old that would be 153 to 180 beats per minute. When you do your 6 second count you want to count 15-18 beats. Then just add a zero on the end making it 150 – 180 beats per minute.The closer you can get to your MHR the better your results will ultimatly be.

Here are your benchmarks for QuickTone8

- You should be completely out of breath and not able to talk. If you can talk, you’re not working hard enough.
- You will start to sweat profusely especially after sprint 2 or 3.


- Drink plenty of water during the QuickTone8.
- Listen to your body and work at your own pace. Build up to the eight sprints by starting out with three or four initially.
- Aim to do the workout 2-3 times a week, but no more.

Thank you and let me know how you do on the QuickTone8.
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